The Mayan cross as a blueprint to our energies

The energies that make up a years cycle in the Mayan calendar are directly linked to specific parts in our body. We have 13 cardinal points and 20 fingers and toes altogether, which correspond with the 13 energetic tones and 20 Nahuales – also known as the daysigns. Creating a 260day year cycle.

Mural in San Juan la Laguna – the connection between the energies of the Mayan calendar with the human body

The Mayan Cholq’ij calendar gives us a direct translation of the energies that we embody and how we can relate best with life around us. Coming from the understanding that we are part of the natural world around us. Giving us a guidance to embody our divine essence as human beings.

In a Mayan reading, we look at your Mayan tree of life or so-called Mayan cross, based upon your day of birth.

“A Mayan reading is not a divination nor astrology. Its a decodification of your energies, of what you bring in your DNA.” – Tata Thomas, Mayan Ajq’ij (spiritual guide)

Our Mayan tree of life or Mayan cross shows us the blueprint of who we are. Bringing insights on how we can live in harmony with ourselves, with life around us, and how we can best direct and focus our lifeforce energy. This, to be living in balance, in harmony, and in connection with our true essence. Knowing whats important for ourselves to be living deeply satisfied with life, utilizing our energies in the best way possible. By simply being YOU.

More than ever I feel that this is the time the Mayan wisdom can serve humanity best. That’s why you see me actively bridging this more and more. Several native peoples and tribes have written this in their prophesies that these are the times of the great change and transformation. Feeling the responsibility to make the ancient wisdom available to the wider public, opening up with their ancestral rituals and practices as we move forwards in these turbulent times.

I am so grateful to be bridging and translating the Mayan readings for Mayan Ajq’ij Tata Thomas and make them available to you. You can book your reading via the link with him or with me, we both have our own insights and focus with the Mayan readings.…/

akashic records ancestral healing ancestral wisdom birthing birthingprocess bridging traditions Cholq'ij calendar creation cyclical nature cyclical time doula doula services dreambirthing dreamtime empoweredbirth feminine consciousness feminine wisdom freebirthsociety full spectrum doula homebirth homebirthdoula kawok maya midwifery mayan astrology Mayan calendar mayan cosmovision Mayan wisdom mayaspirituality midwifery nahuales natural birth obsidian yoni egg pregnancy saq'be shamanic womb healing Soulpath guidance storytelling womb awakening womb clearing womb healing womb health womb wisdom yoni care yoni eggs yoni health

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