Living in cyclical time. The more we are in tune with nature around us, the planets and the energies of the day, we can observe that all of nature goes in cycles. Just like us – as we are a part of nature. We all come to moments in our life where we seem to be going in cycles, but yet – in a bit of a different way. Spiralling up and down in growth and evolution as we learn and integrate life’s lessons along the way. The ancient Maya have done a huge job in mapping out the cyclical timelines in different calendars, one of them the Tzolkin calendar. After living with the Maya calendar for over 3 years now, I have come to see and experience the ever-deepening depth of this never-ending cyclical calendar with its teachings. It is mesmerizing. The Tzolkin calendar has helped me to come to live in harmony with the natural cycles of time. Why is this so important? For us to come back to the natural rhytm of life, recognizing the cyclical nature around and within us. When doing so, we naturally open up to the essence of our own nature and come to see the contribution of our drops into the bigger ocean.

Not without a reason the Mayan spiritual guides were also called “daykeepers” or “keepers of time”, as they knew how to move with the energies of the day. Or how they would call these energies; Nahuales. Nahuales are the spirits that are present on a certain day, coming with their specific qualities and characteristics. There are 20 different Nahuales or daysigns which change as the sun rises and the new energies of the day become alive. These 20 Nahuales form a combination with one of the 13 different tones. If the Nahuales represent the days, the tones represent the weeks. Together they form 20 times 13 = 260 different combinations and days in the Mayan Tzolkin calendar. This is equilavent to 9 months – see the link? The period it takes to create (human) life. In this way, the Tzolkin calendar helps us to walk through the different phases of the creation process, each day having its own contribution to it. Whether it’s a baby or a creative project – the principle is the same. One year in the Tzolkin calendar is equivalent to nine months and related to the creative process of life.

The Maya honor(ed) the Nahuales and gained big wisdom out of it. A wisdom that is enriched by the possibility to map out this spiral of life into a bigger timelapse. Being able to make certain predictions of what is about to happen on earth in the bigger picture. The crisis on the planet, extinction of species, earthquakes, etcetera. It has all been predicted, mapped out into this spiralling timemap; the Mayan calendar.

Now, as the Maya used to work with that, we can still use this gift that they left amongst us humanity. The Mayan priests used to abdicate their citizen’s profession and roles in the community dependent on their Mayan birthsign, their Nahual. Why? Because this says a lot about the qualities someone is born with and what one will be learning in their lifetime and what will be supportive to them in their life. I see it like a map that helps to understand the evolution of the soul’s journey in one’s life. How will we grow? What will help us grow? What gifts and characteristics are we naturally born with to move through life? Still, we can apply this information into our everyday lifes. It is a simple yet profound reminder of what we came here to do and what comes naturally to us. To see our own part within the bigger creation story of life.

The Mayan calendar helps us to swim with the currents of the river of life, rather than going against the stream. Knowing one’s Mayan sign can be a huge support for creating more ease and flow in one’s life. Beyond that, being aware every day what energies are present in the Mayan calendar can help us plan our life around this. It helps to map out where to focus our energy on a certain day, to know momentum and make the most out of it. That wisdom is still available to us. Simply by being aware of the day in the Mayan calendar. Observation is the biggest teacher. What is happening in and around you? Because thát, is the universal stream of the cosmos that is making its way through you and your day. Cycling up, day by day. You have exactly 260 days to study all the different combinations in a year’s cycle.

How did I start learning about this? In Mayan ceremonies. Around the fire with the Mayan elders. Listening to their stories, observing the fire. But mainly by following the Mayan calendar for at least two years now, day by day. Paying attention to the happenings of the day and the people I meet along the way. Being curious to learn. It all starts to make more and more sense, continuously, like the upgoing spiral of time. Do you want to get to know your Mayan astrology? In the Saq’Be sessions I will interweave this ancient wisdom – as interpreted by my own observations – to unweave a bit of your souls essence into your awareness. Moving onwards, on the Saq’Be, the path as written in the stars.